To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, June 22, 2012

Hate Me If You Want

Alright, I'll admit I've been slacking hardcore on the whole blogging thing.  A couple things have happened since I last wrote...first off we got our Jetta that I posted about.  Then a couple weeks later we took our brand new car on a late honeymoon.  We had to make a stop in Salt Lake due to the loss of an incredible man, but eventually we did make our way to Huntington Beach California.

Isn't she hot? ;)

We stayed for a couple days, long enough to get sunburnt, and then made our way back to AZ...Where I had a new job waiting for me. :)

Currently I work in the Statistical Processing Department of Scottsdale Insurance Company, and it is going pretty well so far.  It definitely is the grunt work job, but in the long run it will all be worth it.  I've been making some pretty big moves trying to build a career for myself and that seems to be making an impact.  I've apparently made quite the name for myself already with the members of Operations.

But anyway, the gorgeous woman pictured above has started her own blog, and is kicking some major ass with it.  We got her a nice web page design done by Priceless Designs, and we'll just say that Katie hooked her up.

You can check out Tyler's blog here  it really is something speacial.  It brings her a lot of joy doing, and that makes me extremely happy and proud to see her take such a passion in something.

That is pretty much it for now...not a whole lot happening in my life, just a lot of work.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

My life right now...

Not a whole lot has been going on recently. Just the same old, same old. However, the wife and I have some big plans on the horizon. Next month we plan on getting a brand new Jetta, with a sunroof for her. And with that brand new Jetta we plan on taking a week long trip to Huntington Beach, CA. Sort of a late honeymoon if you will.

On a duller note some exciting things have been unravelling at work. I am finally getting recognition. I get a promotion at the beginning of April, and everyone looks up to me for guidance. I am also preparing myself for The School of Underwriting that I am going to apply for when it becomes available.

Later days. ✌

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Time For Change...

Lately I haven't been the person that truly is me. I have been letting the stress and poor attitude of the people around me, effect how I act as a person. I sit and worry about things that are out of my control, and in return I get nothing but disappointment and a pessimistic attitude. Also, I have been bringing this attitude home with me and have been lashing out at the person I love the most, my wife. We both do our fair share of compromise in our relationship, but she is the rock the rock that keeps us grounded. Lately I have been completely skipping over the fact that she does so much, and that is not fair. I am ready to make a change. I am ready to go back to being the romantic, loving, and supportive man that she wanted so desperately to marry. I do not deserve her as the man I have been acting like, and I do not deserve to be a father if this is the way I am going to act in the future. So it's time for a change. It's time to brush the stuff off that does not matter and focus in being me. It's time to go back and treat my wife like she is the most precious thing in the world. And it is time to start shaping myself into the man I want to be in the future. The leader, the loving husband, and the father of the year.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Our Life: An Update

Well since my last post one pretty big thing has happened to Tyler and I...we got MARRIED haha. It was a beautiful ceremony, on a beautiful day, in a beautiful location. Although there were only two people on my side attending, I felt the happiness of everyone there and the support from them all as well. It was great seeing some faces and even better meeting some new ones. I have now gone from having a big family to having a GIANT family and I love all of them.

Also, over Thanksgiving Tyler and I went to Alexandria, LA to visit my dad's family and surprise my grandparents for their 60th wedding anniversary. It was a great trip considering the fact I haven't been able to see them, or hug them in almost seven years. My cousin Jessie was the first to meet Tyler and see tackled us both at the airport gate with a giant hug from the deepest part of her heart. She is the best and I missed her so so so much. Jessie and I have always had a way tight bond and it was great to see her again and see the bond that her and Tyler created as well.

That is about it for now...I have another interview at work coming up on Monday so I am really looking forward to that. I'm also working on a secret Christmas present for my wifey that will probably make her cry. :p

Write you all soon,

Monday, September 12, 2011

Interesting Topic for Discussion

So on my company's home page they ask a company-wide poll question. Today, they posted one that intrigued me, and fueled me to begin some sort of debate. The question was simply this:

"Is it worth it to pay more for a 3D movie?"

Now, this is a very interesting topic. 3D movies seem to be the new trend for all movie lovers, however are they TRULY a better cinematic experience than any other 2D film? Many blockbuster movies have been released in 3D, such as, Avatar, Despicable Me, Toy Story, The Christmas Story, Glee 3D etc., but is it really worth the money to experience a 3D film? In my opinion I do not think 3D is all that great. I don't really enjoy wearing those goofy glasses, and in reality, most of the 3D effects really are not that great. Typically, for the 3D movies that I have seen, it seems that the opening logos that introduce the fact that the feature presentation that your about to watch is in fact, 3D, is the best 3D animation in the entire film. Maybe it is just the movie's that I have actually seen in 3D weren't that great for 3D, but maybe not. I want to hear YOUR opinion. So I pose this question to you, the reader.

Do you, as a modern time movie enthusiast, enjoy the experience of a 3D movie, and do you feel that experiencing it is worth the money you dish out?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Expressing Myself


Man…life has been real crazy since the last time I posted on here.  I’m still working hard and there is no surprise there.  I have some new opportunities that have popped up that I am taking advantage of this week, and I’m excited to see where that is going to lead me.  But that is not what this blog is about…

Everyone basically knows I’m getting married next month.  They have all known for awhile.  I really don’t understand why I am still receiving all kinds of grief about it.  I have been engaged for a year, get over it.  I really do not care what your opinion is, but one of the first conversations I have with you, you should not tell me that I am too young to get married and that I should not do it.  Bitch, I don’t even know you!  Also, I don’t smoke and I don’t drink.  I don’t plan on ever doing either.  Drinking is a really big temptation in my life, and I really don’t want it to be in my life.  I used to drink, okay? Okay.  I stopped because Tyler saw something that I did not.  I would get drunk when I was lonely or depressed.  It had gotten to a point to where I was drunk and showed up to my friends house that way and had to relax for a while before I sobered up.  Drinking when you are emotional is not a good time to drink.  Depressive drinking is how alcoholism can start.  I have seen some pretty depressing days in mine life.  Some of these days I did things that I regret, for instance drinking.  I also gave myself some pretty severe eraser burns on my arm and hand until I started bleeding.  What all of this is saying is that I have a tendency to look for things that distract me from any form of pain, and I will try almost anything to take my mind off of it and focus on something else.  I feel that I do have addictive tendencies, and THAT is why I do not drink, so get off my case poop face.  Also, I have a fear of strip clubs.  I have never been to one and I have no, and will never have any desire to ever go to one!  They just seem degrading, disgusting, unsanitary, and uncomfortable.  Stop asking me and trying to persuade me to go because I will never go.  EVERRRR.  True friends can respect that and will not insist on pushing you into doing something that I do not want to do.  Another thing, I am devoted to help bring awareness to the slaughter of the oceans creatures.  I am well aware that there are no dolphins in Arizona.  I am not a retard.  The point is not to save them from where I am, it is to bring awareness around the world so people who have the means to help save whales, dolphins, etc. will.  To say that I’m not doing anything here because there are no dolphins in Arizona is extremely ignorant.  Tyler and I have been on the news twice for being at protests and every person who saw that became aware of the struggle, if they didn’t know already.  That is the goal.  In addition to that last bit, Sea Shepherd is a very dedicated, hard working organization.  To say that they do nothing by throwing stuff at a ship, shows how extremely retarded you are as a person.  If you know nothing about a cause, do not open your fucking mouth.  Lastly, I love Tyler with all of my heart.  I treat her the best I can because I love her.  My responsibility as a husband is to make sure my family will never want for a single damn thing their entire life.  Yes I take her to see every movie she wants to see even though she doesn’t go to see mine.  That is not her job to go with me.  She is not a movie person and I am perfectly fine with that.  She is perfect just the way she is.  Plus, I enjoy almost all of the movies I take her to see.  Pooh Bear is the shit bitch, so back off.  I take a lot of crap and shrug it off on the outside, but as you can see it does build up.  I do not appreciate some of the grief I have been taking over that last year, so I’d appreciate if you are reading this and feel it’s you, that you will make an effort to change.  There is a lot more to me than you get to see by being around me.  I am more than just a love stricken, working machine.  I am a person.  I bleed just like you bleed, and I feel pain just like you feel pain.  I have a long life ahead of me, I could use some people in my life to help make it go by easier.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

People piss me off. TANNER SMASH!!!

Alright so I’m going to go off on quite a tangent here.  It is going to be a three part saga…so prepare yourself.

Part I: Politics. “OBAMA IS BAD!!!”

I am not one to preach on politics, Hell I don’t know much more than what I learned in Government class in high school.  But I obviously know a lot more than the people who blame our president for all the problems that our country faces.  So first off…the president of the United States of America cannot declare war all by his or her lonesome.  That power resides solely in the hands of the US Congress.  Also, the president is not capable of regulating gas costs at the pump.  How people come to the conclusion that Obama is raising prices at the tank is waaaaay beyond me.  I know some of you more intelligent beings that read this will think “Surely nobody is that dumb.” But Facebook has revealed these people to us and all we can think in return is “smdh.” Barack Obama may be the easiest person to blame for our countries problems, but he is not the just one, by any means.

Part II: Marriage. “REALLY?!”

Okay, so as many of you know I became engaged in September.  Therefore, Tyler and I can rightfully say that we started the whole engagement trend that is sweeping our Facebook walls.  But let’s take the time to examine the people who are so put out by the news that everyone is getting married shall we?  I’m going to TRY not to be too harsh here…marriage is something that two people share with one another when they are deeply in love and genuinely want to grow old together.  Who the F*CK do you think you are saying that it is annoying or ridiculous that people are getting married left and right?  If you are seeing these posts of engagements or hearing news, you obviously have some sort of tie to these people and you should be a good friend and be happy for them. NOT post on Facebook mocking it and saying that people are rushing it, and that it is stupid.  Sure, SOME PEOPLE may rush into marriage and SOME PEOPLE do not think the marriage through all the way.  But it is not up to any single person to openly criticize something so personal.  If you are one of these happiness bashers, you are obviously not in a committed relationship, most likely not happy with the life you are currently living, and possibly not very cute. JUST SAYING!  But dear heckler, I do wish you find that joyous happiness one day with that one person who makes you happy.  I wish that you will one day find that person who will show you the happiness that I know and love.  I stand firmly by my decision to get married at 19, and nobody is going to sway me from that. TnT forever and a day bitchaz.

Part III: Oh shit. “Hmmm”

I forgot what my third thing was at this point…I’m sure I’ll remember it and post it at some point when one of you wonderful people point it out to me.

And lastly…if you are going to post one of those powerful inspiring statuses about how we need to stay true to the meaning of Easter Sunday, you might want to make sure you know what you’re talking about.  Jesus Christ did not die on Easter Sunday…he was resurrected and rose from the grave.

So ya’ll can stick that in your juice boxes and SUCK IT!! #drops.the.mic.

dropped mic